Check out this happy octopus, a sci-fy thinker!
This octopus is a real scify thinker and a happy guy sure to make you smile. The design is on all manner of products at Cafe Press/DennyLyonGifts, from handbags and totes to t-shirts and bedding, posters too. Take a look and enjoy browsing my Denny Lyon Gifts site. All my profits go to two charities I really love: St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital and the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank here in Louisiana (where they feed almost half of the state!)
Thanks for stopping by for a look and please be sure to pass the word on to your friends and relatives to help fund these charities! Thank you!
Denny Lyon Gifts: New Design: Too Happy Octopus: for more fun posts giving a shout out to newest designs!
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Visit Denny Lyon Gifts @ - see what's new!
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