Colbert mocks Bin Laden all over the place in his most obnoxious high-handed tone. The world is so happy Bin Laden is gone everyone is downright giddy. So, Colbert holds up his hand mirror to remember his happy look and proceeds to kiss the mirror so he "can remember this look forever."
Bin Laden held the world hostage, looking over their shoulders. It's like saying you miss Hitler when he died. The world was glad to see that serial killer gone too.
Colbert says his long-awaited We Got Bin Laden Party is over due, cue the music - and party balloons falling from the ceiling like confetti. The 10 year old party cake, properly molded, says "Wassup, Bin Laden. You are the weakest link. Goodbye."
To finish with a bang, Colbert ends with a fast flicker of media clips announcing Bin Laden is dead like it's some kind of drug high. Only Colbert... Is it any wonder he is the youngest of 13 children? A regular non-stop outrageous...
Monday, May 2, 2011
Long-Awaited "We Got Bin Laden" Party
As much as it pains Stephen to say it, Obama is the number one most Bin Laden killing president in American history.
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