Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

27 October 2013

A Truth Journal: Fantasy Fool Running NSA? Just How Seriously Whacko Is NSA Chief Gen. Alexander? Answer: Very.

NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland.

A Truth Journal: Fantasy Fool Running NSA? Just How Seriously Whacko Is NSA Chief Gen. Alexander? Answer: Very.: From Denny:  At the rate the NSA cyber punks are going they will have the entire world and all of America confused as to who is the real enemy:  the NSA or the nebulous terrorists.  This self-important loony tune NSA Chief Gen. Keith Alexander should never have been installed as NSA Chief in the first place.  Just how did this guy pass his psych evaluation anyway?  Are the Pentagon and the IC (intelligence community) that bad at taking a close look at the people they install as leaders for any project that can literally affect the lives of billions of people on the planet?  Come on; really?!...

NSA Spyware Sold Here Men's Fitted T-Shirt (dark)

NSA Spyware Sold Here mocks the latest intrusion into the private lives of the world's 7 billion people.

19 October 2013

A Truth Journal: Govt Shutdown Shutstorm 2013: Late Nite Jokes Display Congress' Malfeasance In Office


A Truth Journal: Govt Shutdown Shutstorm 2013: Late Nite Jokes Display Congress' Malfeasance In Office:

4 Jon Stewart videos.

From Denny:  Have you been enjoying the Washington soap opera lately - known as The Government Shutdown?  The word is that sometime tonight Speaker Boehner will finally do his job and allow the full House to vote on the bill to end this idiot shutdown and reopen the government.

Of course, there are conservative groups still urging members to vote against raising the country's debt ceiling to avoid default.  Those same groups also don't want the government reopened.  No one said groups like Club For Growth were smart enough to understand the global implications of such a screamingly stupid strategy...

#Dear Congress: Resign Women's All Over Print Tee

#Dear Congress: Resign Women's All Over Print Tee

more styles and sizes available for men and women; come see! 

17 October 2013

A Truth Journal: Govt Shutdown: Venzuelan Chicago Marathon Runner Delivers True Grit Congress Does Not


A Truth Journal: Govt Shutdown: Venzuelan Chicago Marathon Runner Delivers True Grit Congress Does Not: From Denny:  As the government shutdown has rippled through the global economy for two weeks now, anger is growing exponentially.  There really is nothing worse than selfishness and greed taken to the level of excess, rudeness and insensitivity to the plight of your neighbors.

To not take into consideration how the lives of others would be harmed by the political action of closing a huge government like America displays the height of hubris on steroids.  There will be repercussions come election day.  The American public will not just move on and forget how they and their families got screwed over by national politicians on a joy ride at our expense...

#Dear Congress: Resign Men's Performance Dry Tee

#Dear Congress: Resign Men's Performance Dry Tee

more styles and sizes of t-shirts available for men and women

10 October 2013

A Truth Journal: Daily Show Shutstorm 2013: Govt Shutdown Jokes Just Keep On Coming!


A Truth Journal: Daily Show Shutstorm 2013: Govt Shutdown Jokes Just Keep On Coming!: 5 funny Daily Show, Colbert Report videos.
From Denny:  While the  American Congress acts like fighting children, risking the world economy in this stupid government shutdown, hey, look! it's Russian President Putin looking like a global statesman.  He's busy destroying chemical weapons while holding Syria's nasty feet to the fire until that mission is accomplished.

Can the world get any weirder when Russia sets aside thuggish behavior and takes the world lead acting with the debonair class America used to display in eras past?  Kiss classy goodbye in America.  It hasn't happened in a very long time.  Maybe the country will get lucky and Texas will organize a recall election for Sen. Ted Cruz and other Tea Party guys like him...

Government Shutdown Women's All Over Print T-Shirt

Express your view of the government shutdown with the rest of frustrated America. Other sizes and styles available for men and women as well as other products like mugs and pillows.

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