From Denny: Knock yourself out. You had a bad day at work? No worries. These silly cartoons will have you grinning in no time. And not to be missed? The awesome commentary, of course. :)
O... K... that's one way to say it... awkward!
Looks like a slow day at our house... a little Elmo Happy Dance on the furniture with the dementia folks...
Oooh, too much 60's radical LSD in that guy to the point it's kickin' in again decades later...
Self-absorbed to the last...
There are dog day afternoons and then there are dog hat days you just can't argue successfully...
Talk about hate your job - gettin' a little happy with the merchandise and slappin' it on the customers ...
What cows say to each other when they just can't get their figure back after having a baby...
This funny may be more common place than we think when we run out of fossil fuels on this planet... maybe we should archive these cartoons for 300 years from now for a really huge laugh...
I've heard of "playing with the dog" but playing monopoly is taking it to new heights. He must be a sheep dog. I hear they are terribly smart, more than most humans. Watch him sneak off to the bank with all the money while his person goes on bathroom break ...
Damn that spoiler WikiLeaks!
There are those times when you really wonder about your doctor's mental state...
Oh, yeah, Girl Scout cookie season rules! (I managed to abstain this year. Good girl I am.)
Oh, the perils of online dating. This one takes it to a whole new level of weird.
Parenting controversy spills over into the playground fights...
Mozart would have torn up Karaoke Night since he was a real wild child. Write a little music, frolick a lot, drink a lot, swear a lot, write some more inspiring music. The man knew how to party! Beethoven and Bach were a little too serious.
They say that men marry their mothers... I won't even go there for comment.
I love a God with a sense of humor...
And he also wants to run for President. We all would vote him off the America island...
I love a plucky kid that watches the news - and kicks it up a notch on the home front...
Diet? What diet? Let the fantasy games begin!
Yeah, now we're talking!
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