Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

28 February 2011

The Social Poets: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 28 Feb 2011

The Social Poets: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 28 Feb 2011 - Choose from world news analysis combined with the best political cartoon opinion, celebrity watching, science and health news, arts, poetry, funny photos, serious photography, funny videos, great satire, awesome food and spiritual thoughts.

26 February 2011

Dennys People Watching: Music Video: Britney Spears Song Spoof - Hold It Against Me

Dennys People Watching: Music Video: Britney Spears Song Spoof - Hold It Against Me: "Yes, yet another Britney Spears song parody. And Saturdays are good days to enjoy a little satire."

Technorati claim in process

Claim code: NNC6DF9BG32Y

25 February 2011

Technorati claim in process

Claim code: HKU922H6A6W4

24 February 2011

Head Scratchers: Bizarre Funny Cartoons

From Denny:  Knock yourself out. You had a bad day at work? No worries. These silly cartoons will have you grinning in no time.  And not to be missed?  The awesome commentary, of course. :)

O... K... that's one way to say it... awkward!

Speed Bump

Looks like a slow day at our house... a little Elmo Happy Dance on the furniture with the dementia folks...

Ballard Street

Oooh, too much 60's radical LSD in that guy to the point it's kickin' in again decades later...

Ballard Street

Dennys People Watching: Lady Gaga Mugs For Cameras For Supreme Magazine Shoot

Dennys People Watching: Lady Gaga Mugs For Cameras For Supreme Magazine Shoot

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Dog and People Photo Today: 24 Feb 2011

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Dog and People Photo Today: 24 Feb 2011 - This is one of my all time favorite photographers over at Flickr Creative Commons. His name is h.koppdelaney from Germany.

23 February 2011

The Social Poets: Funny News: Fake David Koch Punked Idiot GOP Wisconsin Gov. Walker

The Social Poets: Funny News: Fake David Koch Punked Idiot GOP Wisconsin Gov. Walker - Talk about hilarious. A liberal blogger, Ian Murphy of, decided to place a call to Gov. Walker, claiming to be billionaire businessman, David Koch and the governor bought it hook, line and sinker.

Visual Insights: New Blog: Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts and Food

Visual Insights: New Blog: Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts and Food

21 February 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny How We Live Our Lives Cartoons

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny How We Live Our Lives Cartoons - Time for more fun living inside a cartoonist's head! Yay! Think of it as "How To Survive Work Mondays."

17 February 2011

Funny Video: Jon Stewart Mocks Mubarak Speech in Egypt

Jon StewartImage via Wikipedia
From Denny: Jon Stewart chides Mubarak in his insincere speech trying to stay in power while the protesters rejected his appeal.  He also discusses the news as it unfolded in Egypt, going from a peaceful revolution to a violent one as the Mubarak forces came in to beat the protesters.

Foreign journalists like CNN's Anderson Cooper were beaten and harassed continually by the corrupt police.  Anderson was punched in the face 10 times by a mob of Mubarak thugs.  Christiane Amanpour experienced a mob rocking her car back and forth to try and overturn it.  Brian Williams got kicked in the privates for his efforts to cover the news.

Man, if I were Williams' sister I'd hop a plane to Egypt and take a baseball bat to the offenders in their privates and see how they liked it.  Then I'd get in a fast car and run down Christiane's tormentors and take some brass knuckles to the creeps who went after Anderson.  Anyone have some great ideas of what to do to the vile scum that raped a CBS news reporter?  Let's all think of the most outrageous punishment for those 200 "brave" fools who thought it funny to gang rape a woman.  Make sure it qualifies for the outrageous category.

Of course, my main question is this, "Why in the hell did the news networks not provide Special Forces security for all these reporters?"   They were foreigners walking into mob situations.  Just how cheap - or naive - are these network owners and producers?

15 February 2011

The Social Poets: The Obama Budget and American Economy Cartoons

The Social Poets: The Obama Budget and American Economy Cartoons

Weird News: Stupid Kid Electrocutes Own Nipples, Sues School

From Denny: From my crazy comedic friend over at The Crusty Curmudgeon... Enjoy an excerpt of his skewed view of today's news:

"Here in the offices of The Curmudgeon, the big boss (that’s me) doesn’t tolerate lawsuits against Crusty Curmudgeon Enterprises, hereinafter referred to as The Company. As an example, when an employee stormed into my office claiming his stapler was faulty, which caused a puncture wound to the alleged victim, hereinafter referred to as “azzole,” and he threatened to sue The Company, I took the alleged faulty stapler from him and stapled his tongue to the alleged roof of his mouth. Primarily because he was way stupid..."

For more reading fun and the rest of the post, go here.

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*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
Dennys Global Politics - world news and political cartoons
The Social Poets - news, politics and political humor
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Dennys Art Sanctuary - art, music, graphics
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
Best Spiritual Posts
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Romancing The Chocolate - chocolate recipes and more food and fun
Unusual 2 Tasty - different twists on comfort foods and international food
Comfort Food From Louisiana - Cajun, comfort food, barbecue and more
Dennys Blog Feeds - check out what is posting on all the blogs at a glance
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Cracked Cartoons: The New Boredom

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Cracked Cartoons: The New Boredom

14 February 2011

Ouch Valentine Satire: Annual Stoning of a Happy Couple

Queen of Hearts!Image by rubyblossom. via Flickr

From Denny:  Only from The Onion. How do they think up these crazy spoofs? This one is for all the single folks out there who find Valentine's Day uncomfortable as they watch happy people in love.  Guess I'd better run for the hills and hide my husband from this crowd. :) This video definitely qualifies for the Outrageous category!

"Annual Valentine's Day Stoning Of Happy Couple Held

Today Now's Jim Haggerty attends the annual Valentine's Day stoning, which brings comfort and joy to singles everywhere."

Annual Valentine's Day Stoning Of Happy Couple Held
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*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates! 

*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
Dennys Global Politics - world news and political cartoons
The Social Poets - news, politics and political humor
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Dennys Art Sanctuary - art, music, graphics
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
Best Spiritual Posts
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Romancing The Chocolate - chocolate recipes and more food and fun
Unusual 2 Tasty - different twists on comfort foods and international food
Comfort Food From Louisiana - Cajun, comfort food, barbecue and more
Dennys Blog Feeds - check out what is posting on all the blogs at a glance
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor

11 February 2011

The Social Poets: Breaking News: Egypt Jubilant, This Blogger Called It Right: Mubarak Leaves

The Social Poets: Breaking News: Egypt Jubilant, This Blogger Called It Right: Mubarak Leaves - been writing these Egypt news posts on The Social Poets in case Egyptians were barred from obvious news and political sites. Who would think a poetess would be a subversive? :)

08 February 2011

Unusual 2 Tasty: From NYC Chef Chris Santos: Shrimp, Ribs, Whoopie Pies

Unusual 2 Tasty: From NYC Chef Chris Santos: Shrimp, Ribs, Whoopie Pies - the rib recipe is awesome!

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Best Super Bowl Ads: Eminem For Detroit And Chrysler

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Best Super Bowl Ads: Eminem For Detroit And Chrysler

Visual Insights: Best Super Bowl Ads: GM Chevy Miss Evelyn

Visual Insights: Best Super Bowl Ads: GM Chevy Miss Evelyn: "Best Super Bowl Ads: GM Chevy Miss Evelyn"

Dennys Funny Quotes: Best Super Bowl Ads: Parking Lot

Dennys Funny Quotes: Best Super Bowl Ads: Parking Lot

Best Super Bowl Ads: Pepsi Max Love Hurts

Icon of the health stubs template, in BG.WikiImage via Wikipedia

From Denny: This is funny how a man's wife watches him like a hawk as he shoves bad foods into his mouth. She is always there to the health rescue to substitute something else healthier. Of course, at some point he ticks her off and she hurls an object at him only to hit someone else by mistake. Oops, my bad!

A cute ad except I'm not too sure if the racial roles were reversed - everyone might be calling, "Foul!" and "Racism!"

*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates! 

*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
Dennys Global Politics - world news and political cartoons
The Social Poets - news, politics and political humor
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Dennys Art Sanctuary - art, music, graphics
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
Best Spiritual Posts
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Romancing The Chocolate - chocolate recipes and more food and fun
Unusual 2 Tasty - different twists on comfort foods and international food
Comfort Food From Louisiana - Cajun, comfort food, barbecue and more
Dennys Blog Feeds - check out what is posting on all the blogs at a glance
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
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The Social Poets: Cartoons: Some Hummers to Scratch Your Head Why

The Social Poets: Cartoons: Some Hummers to Scratch Your Head Why: "OK, these are those wonderfully obscure type of cartoons that some people don't always 'get' as to why they are funny but they sure made me grin." - another blog by Denny Lyon

The Social Poets: Cartoons: My Demo-Yard-Cats and GOP Temper Tantrums

The Social Poets: Cartoons: My Demo-Yard-Cats and GOP Temper Tantrums: "What is it about my Democrats? Like the typical yard cat they don't seem to know their name or come when they are called." - another blog by Denny Lyon

07 February 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Mardi Gras Quotes, Who Dat Rocking Saints Songs

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Mardi Gras Quotes, Who Dat Rocking Saints Songs - Congrats go to the Packers who won this year's Super Bowl! Let the partying begin!

Here is last year's winner, the New Orleans Saints. What a huge surprise it was to win the Super Bowl, the first for this beaten down team. Get a grin at the partying in the French Quarter and the different rock songs for the team.

The Packers have their Cheesehead song and the Saints have their Who Dat?! song. For my second language friends: Who Dat = Who is that?

Right after Hurricane Katrina, all in a half a million strong flurry, half of New Orleans moved to my town of Baton Rouge, the state's capital, overwhelming us and our resources. We soon adjusted after a few months and assimilated everyone. They still can't drive. :)

All we heard in the grocery stores and the shopping malls was the "Who dat?" phrase. We soon started calling New Orleans people The Who Dats and the name stuck with New Orleans wearing it like a badge of pride. :) Winning the Super Bowl was just what New Orleans needed to make them feel really good. There is still a lot of celebrating going on - but then that's the New Orleans Who Dat Nation!

04 February 2011

The Healing Waters: Sleep Apnea: Taser Zap Your Tongue For Better Sleep

The Healing Waters: Sleep Apnea: Taser Zap Your Tongue For Better Sleep: "Sleep Apnea: Taser Zap Your Tongue For Better Sleep" - another blog by Denny Lyon

The Soul Calendar: Popular Funny X-ray Pin-Ups Calendar: Stripped to the Bone

The Soul Calendar: Popular Funny X-ray Pin-Ups Calendar: Stripped to the Bone - Definitely this is a fit for the strange but true category and amusing too. - another blog by Denny Lyon

The Soul Calendar: Giant Asteroid Threatens Earth In 170 Years

The Soul Calendar: Giant Asteroid Threatens Earth In 170 Years: Crank up the planet asteroid defense system because Earth is expecting an asteroid impact soon - by astronomical time. - another blog by Denny Lyon

03 February 2011

The Social Poets: 31 More Egypt Revolution Cartoons

The Social Poets: 31 More Egypt Revolution Cartoons: "Cartoonists churn out new opinions at as fast a rate as the situation changes in Egypt during the protests." - another blog by Denny Lyon

The Soul Calendar: 20 Funny Winter Weather Cartoons

The Soul Calendar: 20 Funny Winter Weather Cartoons - another blog by Denny Lyon

02 February 2011

The Social Poets: Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Early Spring for 2011

The Social Poets: Groundhog Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Early Spring for 2011: "Check out this year's funny prediction from the famous American groundhog and plenty of groundhog day trivia and more." - another blog by Denny Lyon

Funny Satire Pet Cartoons - 2 Feb 2011

Some real beauties in this tiny collection of satire goodies.

From Denny: Check out these hilarious cartoons, mocking our love of our pets and the pets mocking us at times...

silly pets and their sillier people

Ballard Street

01 February 2011

Dennys Global Politics: Egypt Revolution Cartoons

Dennys Global Politics: Egypt Revolution Cartoons: "Check out the latest political opinions from American cartoonists about the revolution in Egypt."

Funny Cartoons: Happy New Year and The New Reality

Get a good laugh and stay warm this winter with some crazy cartoons!

From Denny:  OK, I couldn't resist these cracked cartoons.  Dreary and it's  been raining all day and the temperature just dropped 35 degrees.  Did I mention I live in Louisiana - on the warm Gulf Coast of Mexico?  I can't even venture to think about how cold it must be on the Canadian border up around Minnesota and Wisconsin.

But one sure way to get warm and stay that way is to laugh at these absolutely ridiculous cartoons.  Sure warmed me up - along with a cup of coffee they sure made good partners.  Of course, my husband and my silly cats were wondering why so much noise was erupting out of my office...  Remind me sometime to tell you what it's like to be the Alpha Cat in the House. They don't call me Queen for laughs. :)

Outrageous:  There is something about dementia in advancing age where folks can get downright daring, wanting to improve upon their sagging anatomy...

Ballard Street

Dennys Art Sanctuary: 35 Stunning Wallpapers For February

Dennys Art Sanctuary: 35 Stunning Wallpapers For February: "Choose your favorite of the month to enjoy!"

Visual Insights: Music: Hip Dueling Croatian Cellists Wail On Smooth Criminal By Michael Jackson

Visual Insights: Music: Hip Dueling Croatian Cellists Wail On Smooth Criminal By Michael Jackson

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Music Video: Feeling So Fly Like A Cheesehead

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Music Video: Feeling So Fly Like A Cheesehead
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Signe Wilkinson