Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

25 February 2012

The Social Poets: Funny Friday: Jon Stewart Mocks GOP Fear of 2nd Obama Term

Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart (Image via

The Social Poets: Funny Friday: Jon Stewart Mocks GOP Fear of 2nd Obama Term: From Denny: Leave it to the comics to ferret out the twisted thinking of the Republican political strategists. It's clear they are desperately reaching for just about anything to make their voters so terrified they will vote for any candidate they place in front of them. Yeah, their 2012 field is really that awful.

Of course, the Democrats have been running the same game to scare their voters into staying with Obama no matter how little he has done for them. The only difference is that they Democrats are correct about the Republicans' complete lack of leadership or interest in governing.
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23 February 2012

Dennys Global Politics: Afghanistan: WTF? What Was American Military Thinking Burning Religious Books?

Traditional definition of the Middle East G8 d...
Image via Wikipedia
Dennys Global Politics: Afghanistan: WTF? What Was American Military Thinking Burning Religious Books?: From Denny: Who would think a little house cleaning would create such an uproar in the Middle East? As usual the military is so action and task oriented they forgot to use their brains. Book burning of any kind is bad news in my mind.

But when you are burning books that are in a foreign language you can't read, don't you think it would have been smart to consult a few locals to sift the books for you, instead of indiscriminately burning everything?

They would easily spot the religious books and set them aside. But no, the military employed their usual stupidity, need for speed and just marched onward.
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22 February 2012

The Social Poets: 2012 GOP Taliban: Politically Clueless Gaffes

The Social Poets: 2012 GOP Taliban: Politically Clueless Gaffes: From Denny: What a week. The comics could not ask for better material. It was handed to them on a silver platter. And the Obama White House aides are dancing in the halls because they cannot believe their good fortune.

Don't get cocky, guys, it might not last. Besides, there are always the fast rising fuel prices to torpedo what you thought was an easy win.
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21 February 2012

The Social Poets: Read About Homeless California Reporter on, Living Out Of Her Car

10 facts about me

The Social Poets: Read About Homeless California Reporter on, Living Out Of Her Car: From Denny: Social sites are a great way to while away some hours of boredom, learn something new, and, most of all, connect. You never know who you might meet.

Well, here's a shocker. Either this person is great at laying on the BS to pull on our heart strings as some people might speculate or is someone in deep need, reaching out into the thin air, hoping someone will listen. How about a lot of us - especially fellow reporters and bloggers - take the time to investigate this story and see what we can do to help?

Homelessness has devastated the middle class, the current unemployment and bad economy sending half into low income, outright poverty or, as in this woman's case, homelessness. What is annoying about Congress and President Obama is how little they choose to do for the unemployed and homeless.
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17 February 2012

The Social Poets: Obama: You Got Your Minions, I Got Mine: Truth Team

Obama, 2012, truth team

The Social Poets: Obama: You Got Your Minions, I Got Mine: Truth Team: From Denny: President Obama touts new websites of gathering two million followers to do the work of his political team for free.

It's the Democrats' answer to the Bush years' juggernaut of crushing the opposition. But then most politicians and their handlers are men and men like smash mouth sports. They are also cheap when it comes to being employers for troops on the ground.

Stuffed political war chests

Team Obama brags they have collected over $250 million for their political war chest. They were aiming for over $1 billion. You really have to ask yourself one question: If either political side of the aisle is willing to collect this much money for a campaign then just how crooked are all of them? America got sold out by both sides a long time ago.
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14 February 2012

Visual Insights: 57 Best Of Clever Romantic Valentines Day Photos

Children's Valentine, 1940–1950
Image via Wikipedia
Visual Insights: 57 Best Of Clever Romantic Valentines Day Photos: From Denny: Check out the cutest and funniest pet photos for Valentine's Day.

Then it's on to artistic creative photographers trying to figure out how to capture the theme of the day. It's tough to come up with something new and different for such an overdone theme as hearts. I especially like the ones of men walking across great distances in the cold weather clutching flowers for their ladies.

There are crafters and artists with creative turns on the theme, with links to their blogs. Not to be missed are the cupcake, cake and coffee food photos. One is a plate of rose petals with a fork.

Be sure to click on the photos to go to the photographers' flickr pages and blogs where they discuss their art process or the situation for the photo.

I sure had fun going through 2700 photos to do this post because so many made me laugh and others were food for inspiration. Happy Valentine's Day!
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Dennys Funny Quotes: 61 Best of Funny Mardi Gras Photos

Mardi Gras (05) - 24Feb09, New Orleans (USA)
Mardi Gras (05) - 24Feb09, New Orleans (USA) (Photo credit: philippe leroyer)
Dennys Funny Quotes: 61 Best of Funny Mardi Gras Photos: From Denny: Who said Valentine's Day had to be a bummer for the folks flying solo during this holiday? These funny Mardi Gras photos, mocking just about anything and everything that moves, will certainly bring a smile to your face.

So, if you know anyone feeling blue from this special day for lovers, send them this post full of funny photos that will have them laughing in no time.

Since it's 2012 and the whole world figures the Mayan Prophecy of the End of the World is at hand, well, we have the solution in Louisiana: party on. Our philosophy? You might as well go out in style 'cause you can't do anything about it anyway.
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13 February 2012

The Social Poets: Im Just Saying: Funny Political Thought About Romney

Mitt Romney - Caricature
Mitt Romney - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

The Social Poets: Im Just Saying: Funny Political Thought About Romney: From Denny: Since I could care less who wins or who loses the GOP race for president, I'm free to mock it in style.

At our house we were watching the GOP primary returns for the last three states of Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri. Much to everyone's surprise it was the non-candidate Santorum that ran away with two of the races.

Though delegates were not awarded it is Santorum that has basically caught up with front-runner Mitt Romney by about 86 for Santorum to 94 delegates for Romeny. The winner needs about 700 to win.

Santorum, a Catholic, has sharpened his message to be known as the middle class guy and conservative. Romney is painted as the rich guy who is out of touch.

Lately, since getting trounced in the last race Romney is working hard to overcome the perception by portraying himself as a sensitive guy. He even laid claim to being a Mormon minister for 10 years and how he truly understands the unemployed and marital difficulties as a result of not being able to pay your bills.

So, here is my I'm Just Saying:
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12 February 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Fight Racism: Pass On This Funny Joke

Dennys Funny Quotes: Fight Racism: Pass On This Funny Joke: From Denny: Thanks to Niles Calder on Google+ for posting this good one. Be sure to visit his page and include him in your circle!

OK, so the journalist in me just had to edit the misspellings and grammatical errors... :) That's what you get when you are related to a beloved aunt who taught English literature and insisted upon all in its proper place.

Why stop there? Since there are differences between American and British English that confuse Americans I corrected the word choices and language flow. So, if you are British, Australian or Indian be sure to read the original on Calder's page - just so you don't end up confused.

Apparently, this joke goes back as far as 1998 and the days of the email sharing of favorite urban legends - according to Snopes.

And yet this garbage attitude continues to persist. Just check out my post over at The Social Poets: Prayer Curse: Republicans Call For Obama Death for a recent example. Until people grow up will things change for the better.

Do what you can to make the world a better place. When you protect the civil rights of others, you also protect your own. Helping others helps you too. Can Life get any better than that? It's that simple.
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09 February 2012

The Social Poets: Groundhog Day Louisiana Style: New Orleans T-Boy, Baton Rouge Boudreaux


The Social Poets: Groundhog Day Louisiana Style: New Orleans T-Boy, Baton Rouge Boudreaux: From Denny: Groundhog Day contenders are popping up all over America. Groundhogs are not native to Louisiana (because it's too hot) but we didn't allow a little factoid like that to stop us. Louisiana likes it's holidays so what effort was it to rustle up another creative idea than to draft the swamp rat nutria into the Groundhog Day?

Up in the northern part of America it's considered really bad news when a groundhog sees its shadow, foretelling another miserable six weeks of winter. But here in Louisiana it means a spring that is shorter than usual.

A short spring means summer's grueling heat and drippy humidity will return sooner than desired. So, you see, burrow-loving animals can come in handy to predict the weather both in the chilly North and the hottie Deep South.
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08 February 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Video: Little Girl Pranks Her Dad to Perfection

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Video: Little Girl Pranks Her Dad to Perfection: From Denny: This little four-year-old is a kid after my own heart. OK, I used to do fun things like this to exasperate my parents too. None of which was well met either. :) I love precocious kids.

This little girl says at the beginning of the video - or sounds like, "I'm just gonna jump out and scare him."

The little girl goes to hide in the kitchen closet while the father and mother are unaware. The parents are busy looking for his car keys. This little girl is patiently waiting for Her Big Moment when the father opens the closet to look in there too. She got him good.

It sure makes you wonder who the Old Soul is in the house. Looks like she is working over time to get the parents to catch up to her. Get your laugh on!
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Funny Joke From New Digg Follower

photo by mark j. sebastian

From Denny:  So, I'm checking my email updates from Digg about new followers.  Along comes this funny guy.  As his bio on the site he places this hilarious joke.  If you are a woman you are especially going to enjoy it.

Check it out:

When G-d was creating the human race, he lined up all the males on one side and all the females opposite. 

Then He asked, "Which of your species would like to urinate standing up?" 

Well, the males went crazy, shouting that they wanted to pee standing up. 

"Fine," says G-d, "Women get multiple orgasms."

                                  * * * 

Ain't Life grand? :)

Be sure to check out Lewis Burke as olddavidsonvil on Digg.  

My Digg hangout is Denny Lyon.  I was in the beta version of Digg and they managed to lose the account just like hundreds of others.  Anyway, in the process of rebuilding the account back up to previous levels.  Be glad for you to sign on as a follower and will do the same for you!

Subscribe in a reader to Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd

* Check out Dennys News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food - a place where all my other 20 blogs link so you can choose from among the latest posts all in one place. A free to read online newspaper from independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. * 

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03 February 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: 34 Funny Friday Quotes, Friday Music Video

Gaga's choreography from "Bad Romance&quo...
Image via Wikipedia
Dennys Funny Quotes: 34 Funny Friday Quotes, Friday Music Video: From Denny: Need a little weekend inspiration? Bored in your corporate cubicle? Your mind wandering far, far away from work because your body can't wait to leave?

These funny, and sometimes downright wicked, quotes should get you through the last remaining hours before the weekend officially starts.

Check out the silly Friday song by Rebecca Black. So far it's been viewed over 21 million times. Now that's a lot of bored folks out in the virtual work world with too much time on their hands.
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The Social Poets: Groundhog Day: How Many Talented Psychic Rodents In America?

The Social Poets: Groundhog Day: How Many Talented Psychic Rodents In America?: This is the stuffed, ok, taxidermied groundhog, known as Potomac Phil that hails from Washington, D.C. He gets wheeled out to the Dupont Circle Ground Hog Day celebration to determine whether he sees his shadow or not. Not sure who the human political hack is for him to make the announcement. But hey, the new burgeoning club played polka music to honor him.

His fans are hoping to raise enough money to replace him with a live groundhog next year. Until then, Potomac Phil continues to trash talk his beltway imitator Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania.

And what is Punxsutawney Phil's response to this stuffed upstart? "Ah, Potomac Phil is Newt Gingrich's first cousin, all trash talk and no money. I'm the real deal since 1887."
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02 February 2012

The Social Poets: Prayer Curse: Republicans Call For Obama Death

English: President Barack Obama and the First ...

The Social Poets: Prayer Curse: Republicans Call For Obama Death: From Denny: From the deviants' corner of the morally reprehensible comes a circulating email from Republican politicians to pray for God to kill President Obama.

These guys are unbelievable. Just when you think they could not sink any lower on the vile meter, they come up with Bible verses to demand the death of a sitting President.

The real question is this: But has anyone decided to do a sanity test on these sitting politicians? Maybe it's time to take matters into our own hands and for the public to demand such a test be performed. People seem to forget that the intense harm that one crazy guy - by the name of Senator McCarthy - did to this country.
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