Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

27 July 2012

The Social Poets: John Stewart and Colbert Mock LIBOR Credit Card Scandal

The Social Poets: John Stewart and Colbert Mock LIBOR Credit Card Scandal: From Denny:  Want to learn more about just how deep the global banking scandal goes?  But we want to laugh our way through the tutorial, right?  Look no further as both national comedians are here to guide us through a couple of hilarious tutorials that will have you grinning so wide your house will split apart.

It will also make you want to get your shotgun (if you own one) and run right down to the "hallowed halls" of the financial sector and join the Occupy protesters.  Now, more than ever, have the protesters succeeded in convincing us that all credit card holders are just financial slaves, doomed to serve the whims of Big Bank Sluts and Congress Whores, both whose masters are Greed.

But first a couple of facts to bring you up to speed in case your eyes glaze over when the financial guys on the news start talking:

Funny Flying Pig Snowflake Ornament

Funny Pig quote: Never try to teach a pig to sing: it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new! 

20 July 2012

The Social Poets: Funny FAIL: Idiot Conservative Blogger Tries To Nail Sen. Sherrod Brown, Backfires

The Social Poets: Funny FAIL: Idiot Conservative Blogger Tries To Nail Sen. Sherrod Brown, Backfires: From Denny:  Talk about too funny.  Journalist and columnist Connie Schultz reported on what one of those crazy nut job self-labeled journalists emailed her about Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio).  Hardball's Chris Matthews reported it.  I was laughing so hard I really did almost fall off my chair.

Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio is one of my all time favorite guys in politics because he is sincere and a straight arrow.  He works hard for the people of Ohio and the nation, one of the very few politicians left who is not purchased by Big Business Money or the lobbyists.  Right now, the Republicans are doing anything and everything to destroy him and get his seat for a nut job Republican.

Schultz had to have started laughing wildly as well at this nasty gossipy email or she would not have shared it.  She chose not to name the idiot conservative blogger that sent it.  Boy, does he have serious egg on his stupid face.  Come on, Connie, dish! Tell us all who the numb nuts is who was so lame as to not do his due diligence before firing off that idiot email. :)

Here is the letter she recounted:
Mark Twain Write Word Mousepad
American humorist Mark Twain opines on how to write

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

17 July 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny But True: Man Pays Off Home Mortgage With Pennies

English: Large amount of pennies
English: Large amount of pennies (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny But True: Man Pays Off Home Mortgage With Pennies: From Denny:  This is too funny.  A man really did do this.  He said saving pennies started on a whim when he and his wife took out a mortgage on their house 35 years ago back in 1977.

Thomas Daigle said when he and his wife were leaving the bank they noticed a penny in the parking lot.  Daigle picked it up and joked on a whim about how this would go toward their penny fund to pay off the mortgage.

Dragonfly Faith Jr. Hoodie

Dragonfly faith quote: Faith is spiritualized imagination

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

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16 July 2012

The Social Poets: WTF? DOJ Attorney Threatens Reporter At Public Hearing?

Dismissed U.S. attorneys summary
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Social Poets: WTF? DOJ Attorney Threatens Reporter At Public Hearing?: From Denny:  Turns out that President Obama's "transparency in government" does not seem to apply to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and at a public hearing.  Talk about obnoxious and a denial of the freedom of the press.  A newspaper reporter from The Daily Iberian was actually denied his civil rights - and publicly by a DOJ attorney at a public meeting.

This is downright bizarre.  Since when does the DOJ have the right to deny a reporter to record, take notes or quote one of their attorneys who is making public comments at a public hearing?  That is exactly what happened.  Who died and made the DOJ God?  The arrogant attorney's name is Rachel Hranitzky and this happened in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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Im Just Saying: Funny Way To Stop Scam Pest Callers

09 July 2012

The Social Poets: Im Just Saying: Funny Way To Stop Scam Pest Callers

Logo for the United States National Do Not Cal...
Logo for the United States National Do Not Call Registry. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Social Poets: Im Just Saying: Funny Way To Stop Scam Pest Callers: From Denny:  So we know the national Do Not Call Registry is pretty much a waste of time.  Scammers call anyway.  There are so many of them they are like roaches running away from a can of bug spray.

The problem is so rampant that you wonder if the government does more than just fine them in order to put more money into their political campaigns and the national treasury.  The wronged citizen sees no money, no justice and certainly no peace of mind away from these scammers.  Just how can we get rid of these telepests?

Checking out various sites where we can report these scammer callers it's the usual standard fare:  people are surprised, curious, in need of anger management.  But on one site a particular comment caught my eye.

Before I could finish reading it I was laughing so hard I practically did fall off my chair.

Be HAPPY! Jr. Raglan

Get your FLIRT on... Be HAPPY! Inspire others to a better day.

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  - see what's new! 
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04 July 2012

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 15 Funny Tasty July Fourth Posts

Cover of "Happy Birthday, America"

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 15 Funny Tasty July Fourth Posts: From Denny:  Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday time off.  It certainly is hotter than ever this summer.  And we have global warming to enjoy for years to come.  So laugh a lot while you are figuring out how to adapt to this new extreme weather sport:  scorching summers.

Meanwhile, I have some great photography to give you a smile and some amusing poems to read while you try some new recipes.  Be sure to check out the July Fourth quotes both funny and serious that will certainly make you think.  Happy July Fourth!

America Mug

America: Does it get any better?

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  - see what's new! 

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